Actor Poonam Pandey, who is always in the news for her controversial life, made it to the headlines on February 2 after a post on social media made by her manager went viral. Through the post, the actor's manager announced it to everyone that the LockUpp fame actor had passed away due to cervical cancer.
A total of 31 cases of monkey fever or Kyasanur Forest Disease (KFD) have been detected in Uttara Kannada district in Karnataka. Among those infected, 12 patients are admitted in hospitals while the rest are being treated at home. All of them are stable, and no serious case has been reported so far, they said.
If you wish to achieve weight loss faster, there are certain strategies that might work in your favour. For long-term weight loss, a complete strategy that incorporates a healthy diet, frequent exercise, and enough sleep is necessary.
Your feet are like health detectives, giving you valuable clues about your overall well-being. Instead of waiting until you've accidentally hurt them, start paying attention to your feet—they might be trying to warn you about potential health issues. After all, your feet are more than just the sturdy support for your adventures.
Thyroid diseases, including thyroid cancer, significantly impact the physical well-being of patients undergoing treatments such as surgery and radiation therapy. This article explores the role of physiotherapy in addressing mobility issues and enhancing the quality of life for thyroid cancer survivors.
Starting a weight loss journey can be challenging, especially when tempting high-calorie foods are readily available, making overeating a common struggle. The frustrations and discouragement that come with such obstructions can often lead individuals to abandon their weight loss goals.